The Last Letter….💔

Vinay Maurya
3 min readJun 14, 2024
The Last Letter.. 💌

"I may not always be there with you, but I’ll always be there for you."

As I sit here, pouring my heart out into these words, I can't help but feel the weight of sadness bearing down on me. This might be the last time I communicate with her, the woman who started as a stranger but became the most significant person in my life. It's surreal how two individuals, seemingly from different worlds, can connect on such a profound level, forming a bond that feels unbreakable.

The journey from strangers to close friends has been nothing short of miraculous. I enjoyed the time we have spent together, through laughter, comfortable silence, deep meaningful talks, and cheeky conversations.

Every conversation, every shared moment, has woven us closer together, until it felt like we were two halves of the same whole. But now, as I grapple with my emotions, I can’t shake the feeling of uncertainty that hangs in the air like a thick fog.

I don't know how she truly feels about me. That's the painful truth that gnaws at my insides. Yet, despite the ambiguity of her feelings, I find myself drawn to her more and more with each passing day. It's as if an invisible force is pulling me towards her, compelling me to seek out her company, to learn every intricate detail of her being.

To get away from you cause I wanna save myself and my own feelings or remain close to you just to fill my heart. I could never decide.

The longing I feel for her is palpable, a relentless ache that settles deep within my chest. I yearn to know her thoughts, her dreams, her fears – to unravel the mysteries of her soul. And so, I wait. I wait for her messages to light up my phone screen, for her voice to fill the void in my lonely hours. But with each passing moment of silence, my hope dims, overshadowed by the harsh reality of unrequited love.

It's a bitter pill to swallow, the realization that my feelings may never be reciprocated. It's a cruel twist of fate that leaves me feeling lost and alone in a sea of longing. And yet, amidst the pain, there is clarity. A clarity that tells me I must take a step back, retreat into the solitude of my own thoughts.

I know now that my desperate yearning for her is futile, a fruitless pursuit that only serves to deepen my heartache. And so, with a heavy heart, I've made the agonizing decision to distance myself from her, to retreat into the shadows where my love can no longer torment me.

But please, understand that this does not mean I will forget her. How could I, when she has imprinted herself so deeply upon my heart? I will carry her memory with me always, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been.

So as I prepare to bid her farewell, I do so with a heavy heart and tear-stained eyes. She will always hold a special place in my soul, even as I fade into the background, a silent observer of the love that was never meant to be. 💔

I hope you do well, I hope you reach whatever you’ve been working on, and I hope you choose yourself over temporary temptation against your path.

"Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again."

And that’s how the sweetest chapter ends….

